What is Male to Female Top Surgery?

Male to Female (MTF) Top Surgery, also known as breast augmentation or breast augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed resize and shape the chest for individuals transitioning from male to female.

The surgery involves the placement of breast implants to create a more feminine appearance. It aims to provide individuals with breasts that align with their gender identity.

Male to Female (MTF) Top Surgery can have a significant impact on transgender patients, supporting their gender affirmation goals.

Surgery can also help with the treatment of gender dysphoria, which is a psychological condition in which a person is not satisfied with their birth-assigned gender.

Some gender plastic surgeries include;

  • Top surgery (chest masculinization or feminisation surgery), surgeries or chest reshaping with implants (performed by Dr. Briggs)
  • Bottom surgery, Orchiectomy, vaginoplasty, scrotoplasty, hysterectomy for masculinisation, facial feminisation surgery. (NOT offered by Dr Briggs)

What are the Reasons patients choose Male to Female Top Surgery?

  • Gender Affirmation: Male to Female (MTF) Top Surgery might help transgender individuals to a more feminine appearance and align their physical body with their gender identity.
  • Proportions: Male to Female (MTF) Top Surgery alters the size and shape of the breasts.
  • Can assist in breast symmetry and increases nipple projection.
  • It’s important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon experienced in transgender surgeries to discuss individual goals and expectations for Male to Female (MTF) Top Surgery.

Am I A Potential candidate for Male to Female Top Surgery?

Male to Female (MTF) Top surgery may be the procedure for you if;

  • You are over 18 years of age
  • You are In good physical and mental health.
  • Hormonal therapy alone has proved insufficient to give you your wanted breast size.
  • You are realistic about the outcome of the surgery
  • You do not smoker
  • Are within a healthy weight range
  • You want to alter the shape of your breast.
  • Are not planning major weight loss or gain
  • If you are under the care of a psychologist or psychiatrist

Book a consultation today if you can relate to the above.

Male to Female Before and After Photos

Due to the recent updates in guidelines by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA), our website is currently undergoing substantial revisions. As a result, we have had to remove the majority of our Before and After photos to comply with these new regulations. Our utmost priority is to maintain the accuracy and compliance of our content, and we are actively working to reintroduce a more extensive collection of before and after photos in the near future. You can view additional Before and After photos of Dr Briggs’ patients, during an in-person consultation at our clinic.

Click here to see more Male to Female Before and After photos or Visit the clinic to see the patient photo gallery of Before and After Male to Female surgery. Results depend on individual patient circumstances and can vary significantly.

Photo Disclaimer

The photos on this website and in our office are for informational purposes. The images demonstrate the potential outcomes of procedures. Individual results will vary, and effects cannot be guaranteed. The photos do not promise or guarantee specific results. They are meant to help visualise potential outcomes.

Each patient is unique, and many factors affect surgical results.

In consultations, Dr. Briggs evaluates each patient and discusses realistic expectations.

Hormone Therapy and Gender Surgery

Hormone therapy plays a significant role in gender-affirming surgeries for transgender individuals. Here is a summary of the relationship between hormone therapy and gender surgery:

  • Pre-Surgical Preparation: Hormone therapy is often a prerequisite for gender-affirming surgeries. It helps individuals undergo physical changes that align with their gender identity, such as breast development for transgender women or facial hair reduction for transgender men.
  • Surgical Outcomes: Hormone therapy can impact the surgical outcomes by effecting tissue quality, skin elasticity, and overall body composition.
  • Emotional Well-being: Hormone therapy contributes to emotional well-being by alleviating gender dysphoria and overall mental health. It plays a crucial role in the overall gender transition process.
  • Comprehensive Treatment Approach: Hormone therapy and gender surgery work in tandem to provide a comprehensive treatment approach for transgender individuals. They address both physical and psychological aspects of gender transition.
  • Individualized Approach: Hormone therapy regimens and the timing of gender surgery are personalized based on individual needs and goals. Healthcare professionals closely monitor hormone levels and adjust the therapy accordingly to optimize outcomes and minimize risks.

It’s important to work with qualified healthcare professionals experienced in transgender care to ensure safe and effective hormone therapy and appropriate timing for gender surgeries.

The doctor often tests your hormone levels before the surgery to ensure you are within the target range.

Your Transgender Surgery Journey


In many cases, individuals seeking top surgery, especially for gender-affirming purposes, are required to obtain a referral from a General Practitioner (GP) or Medical Specialist before proceeding with the procedure.

This referral serves as a crucial step in the process and ensures that proper assessments and evaluations are conducted. The general practitioner (GP) referral demonstrates that the individual has undergone discussions and consultations regarding their gender identity, received appropriate medical advice and support, and met the necessary criteria for top surgery. It helps facilitate coordination between the general practitioner (GP), surgeon, and healthcare system, ensuring a comprehensive and well-informed approach to the individual’s gender-affirming journey.


Before you undergo top surgery, you will need to have a thorough consultation with your surgeon to fulfil certain prerequisites. Your doctor will screen and diagnose your mental and physical health status and whether or not you have any medical comorbidities, including:

  • Evaluate your personal and family medical history
  • A general physical examination that includes all; your reproductive system assessment, cardiac, respiratory, or gastrointestinal system assessment.
  • As well as, various lab investigations of your blood, urine, or X rays.
  • Both a physical and mental assessment. This will include your gender identity and dysphoria.
  • How your gender identity has made an effect on your school, home, office, and all your friends and family.
  • And, mood issues

After discussing all the risks, complications and conditions with your doctor, and deciding to go through with the surgery you must give informed consent that includes;

  • Both the risks and benefits of the surgery.
  • Expense.
  • Alternative methods.
  • Social and legal implications.
  • And the complications and irreversibility of the procedure.

If you are nervous or unsure of the procedure, you can always talk with fellow transgender people who have undergone similar procedures.

Risks and Complications of Male to Female Top Surgery

Male-to-Female (MTF) top surgery, also known as gender affirmation breast augmentation or chest feminization surgery carries risks and potential complications. Some of the risks and complications associated with Male-to-Female (MTF) top surgery include:

  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Poor Wound Healing
  • Scarring
  • Changes in Sensation
  • Asymmetry
  • Seroma
  • Hematoma
  • Nipple and Areola Complications
  • Anesthesia Risks
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
  • Cardiovascular and Respiratory Complications
  • Dissatisfaction
  • Implant-Related Complications (if implants are used)
    • Rupture
    • Leakage
    • Capsular contracture

It’s crucial for individuals considering surgery to have a comprehensive consultation with a specialized surgical team and a mental health professional experienced in gender-affirming care. This allows for a full understanding of potential risks and benefits and helps individuals make informed decisions about their healthcare. Following pre-operative and post-operative instructions and having a support system in place can contribute to a smoother recovery process.

Visit our Risks page for more information.

Recovery and Results after Male to Female Top Surgery

Generally, the recovery period involves post-operative care, including pain management, wound healing, and wearing compression garments. Patients will likely experience some level of swelling, bruising, and discomfort.

Over time, as the body heals, the results will become more evident. It is important to follow the surgeon’s instructions for optimal healing and to have the best aesthetic outcome. Every individual’s healing process is unique, and maintaining open communication with the surgical team is essential for a successful recovery.

After surgery, your chest will be wrapped and compressed for several weeks following the surgery. Some additional precautions you must take after the procedure include;

  • Your sleep position – You will need to sleep with your body inclined at an angle with your torso elevated for a few weeks after the surgery.
  • Excercise – You must avoid heavy chest exercises for at least 2 to 3 months post-surgery.
  • You may also need additional surgery if you need to change your chest size or shape.
Recovery and Results after Top Surgery
FAQ Gender confirmation

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average cost for gender affirmation surgery?

The price usually depends on the type of surgery you are having. In general, the typical cost of gender affirmation top surgery can range from $12,000 to $20,000 or more. However, the costs depend on the different techniques done, the hormone therapy and further follow-ups as well as surgeon and hospital fee.

These may result in additional charges depending upon the doctor you visit.

Is gender affirmation surgery painful?

You will some level of discomfort after surgery however this is not quantifiable as each persons pain threshold is different.

Is gender affirmation surgery considered cosmetic?

Although gender surgery is done as a management to the medical condition gender dysphoria, it is still considered cosmetic.

It is considered a medical necessity only under the following conditions;

  • You are above 16 years of age and have legal approval to choose whatever gender you want.
  • You are in complete well-being with no further medical illness.
  • There is an applicable Medicare item number
  • And, your life significantly improves after surgery.

Do you get scars after Male to Female top surgery?

Yes, Male to Female (MTF) top surgery results in some degree of scarring. But they will gradually fade and flatten over time.

How long does the Male to Female top surgery take?

Although it depends on the procedure and the surgeon, in general, it takes between 1 and 3 hours.

Will I need multiple surgeries for the Male to Female top surgery?

Most patients only require a single surgery however <5% will have to undergo additional surgery which will be a smaller procedure.

When can I resume my daily work activities after top surgery?

You are usually able to leave the hospital the day after surgery but you can only resume your office job after 2 to 3 weeks. You will also need to refrain from heavy chest work for approximately 2 to 3 months.

Plastic V’s Cosmetic Surgeons

There are definite advantages to choosing a plastic surgeon over a cosmetic surgeon, and it is important for you to know who your surgeon really is. Cosmetic surgeons are NOT specialist plastic surgeons. A cosmetic surgeon could just be a GP who has decided to perform body surgery, whereas a qualified specialist plastic surgeon will have years of study and qualifications.


Choosing a Surgeon for your Male to Female (MTF) Surgery

Choosing a surgeon for your Male to Female (MTF) top surgery is a crucial decision that can greatly impact your overall experience and results. It is important to research and consider several factors when selecting a surgeon:

Experience and Expertise

Look for a surgeon who specializes in gender-affirming surgeries and has extensive experience performing Male to Female (MTF) top procedures. Review their qualifications, training, and track record of successful surgeries.

Board Certification

Plastic surgeons in Australia must be registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and adhere to the standards and guidelines set forth by the Medical Board of Australia.

Before and After Photos

Review before and after photos of previous patients who have undergone Male to Female (MTF) Top surgery with the surgeon. This will give you an idea of their style and the quality of their work.


Schedule a consultation with the surgeon to discuss your goals, ask questions, and evaluate their approach. This is an opportunity to assess their communication style, understanding of your needs, and their ability to address your concerns.

Safety and Facilities

Ensure that the surgeon operates in an accredited surgical facility or hospital. Safety should be a top priority, and the facility should meet strict standards for patient care.

Personal Connection

Trust your instincts and choose a surgeon with whom you feel comfortable and can establish a good rapport. Clear and open communication is essential throughout the surgical journey.

Remember to thoroughly research multiple surgeons, seek recommendations from trusted sources, and consider seeking a second opinion if needed. Ultimately, selecting a skilled and compassionate surgeon who understands your unique needs and goals is essential for a successful surgery experience.

Dr Patrick Briggs Melbourne

Dr Patrick Briggs FRACS (Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons) is a Specialist Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon.

Both he and his team are dedicated to patient care and are committed to treating each and every patient with respect and privacy.

Furthermore, he is experienced in BreastBody and Face Surgery having performed over 4500 Surgeries in private practice.

How can we help?

Dr Briggs’ Patient Coordinators take pleasure in assisting you with any questions when considering a plastic surgery procedure. Please call the Hawthorn East clinic in Melbourne between 8 am – 6 pm on Weekdays.

Phone 1300 599 990Email us or Book a free 15-minute Call with Dr Patrick Briggs’s team.

What Next?

Want more information about your Procedure?

  • For more information about pricing and payment methods, please visit our page on Surgery Payment options.
  • Talk to our Patient Care Team from 8 am to 6 pm Monday to Friday on 1300 599 990.

What to Bring to Your Consultation

  • If you like, please bring a friend or relative to help discuss the information and your choices.
  • Take a lot of notes and thoroughly examine the documents your surgeon provides.
  • You may need to undress so it’s a good idea to wear simple clothes.

How to Book a Consultation

  • Dr Briggs’ Consultation fee is $300.
  • A referral from your GP or your specialist is essential (as of the 1st July 2023).
  • Please contact the Patient Care Team at Coco Ruby Plastic Surgery to book your consultation.


The information provided in this article is for educational and informational proposes. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this article. The author and publisher of this article make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, or completeness of the content of this article. The information contained in this article is strictly at your own risk.